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F-8 Crusader revel/monogram kit
United States
Joined: April 08, 2012
KitMaker: 8 posts
AeroScale: 7 posts
Posted: Saturday, April 07, 2012 - 03:12 PM UTC
Its been a loooong time since i've built one of these.. I'm an artist by trade, and paint highly detailed paintings, so model aircraft is pure pleasure for me. My dad is a vietnam veteran an artist, and a history buff and has been a big fan of military, and aircraft history since he was just a child, and so when i was young he got me interested in the same things. We used to build plastic aircraft models back then, and it was some of the best times in my childhood. We went to many airshows together, and ended up building an f-18 hornet blue angels model (Among others) because it was my favorite part of the airshow. My dad suspended that plane from the light in my bedroom, and he'd flick the light off and on quickly, on his way out the door making explosion sounds, to make me laugh before i went to sleep. I'll never forget that lol.. BUT anyhow, me and dad went and picked out some models last week (now 20 something years later) and we are getting back into building aircraft models again. This hobby reminded me of so many of the great memories i had with my father as a kid. Its a great way for a father and son to spend some quality time together each evening. I elected to build a U.S Marines F-8 crusader, and he built a WWII U.S. Marines F4U-4 Corsair. Below are pictures of the crusader that i built. I just finished it yesterday. Its not quite as good as some of the models i've seen here at the forum, but i am very happy with how it turned out. I can post pictures of dads corsair if anyone is interested in seeing it.

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these pictures can also be seen here:
England - South West, United Kingdom
Joined: February 10, 2012
KitMaker: 24 posts
AeroScale: 24 posts
Posted: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 - 09:11 AM UTC
My dad built kits with me when I was younger.I will never forget it. I am trying to do the same with my children now. Sadly attention spans of seven year olds is tiny. Especially when a XBox 360 sits upstairs. Nice clean build by the way.
United States
Joined: April 12, 2012
KitMaker: 5 posts
AeroScale: 4 posts
Posted: Sunday, April 15, 2012 - 11:37 AM UTC
I remember that kit when I was growing up. I wish Revell would re release it again with new decals. i would pop 30 bucks for it.