Pre-Flight Check
Constructive critique of your finished or in-progress photos.
Finland MIG-21F-13
Victoria, Australia
Joined: June 28, 2007
KitMaker: 171 posts
AeroScale: 113 posts
Posted: Monday, July 09, 2007 - 01:21 PM UTC
Hey everyone. this is my 4th model ive ever made and the first on ive painted. Its an academy 1/72 MIG-21F-13.
Heres my progress over the past couple of weeks


undercarrige with alot of putty to be used

heres my first 2 coats of crome sivler humrol enamel paint, i did not put on any of that klear/future stuff on because i dont have any yet.

I will put on another coat of of the chrome silver and then paint some of the panels with a bit of darker metal (i hope to use 90part chrome silver and 10 part gun metal)

All feedback is welcome and anny tips is really apreciated

California, United States
Joined: March 29, 2007
KitMaker: 208 posts
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Posted: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 - 01:15 PM UTC
Hmm. It is nice to see progress in your build, but the photos are rather blurry. Have you considered standing a bit further back when taking them?

As for the model, it looks like you did a nice job of getting a nice smooth coat of paint, which isn't always easy with some metallic paints. My only question is about the lighter patch of color on the tail fin of the MIG. Did something happen to the paint that was there?
Joined: September 07, 2005
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Posted: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 - 07:28 PM UTC

Please check the angle of the wings .. these should be almost straight (no upward or downward angle on the under side) as for the rest, I agree with Michael.

Please do not be discouraged by my comment, but you should concentrate on the basic building before you try out the finesse of BMF/NMF. Colour can't improve a model but it can make things worse. Especially metallic colours show every blemish. Everyone makes mistakes (I have a loooooong list of my own) but that is part of the learning ...

BTW are you posting 3 year old pictures or did you forget to set the date

best wishes

Victoria, Australia
Joined: June 28, 2007
KitMaker: 171 posts
AeroScale: 113 posts
Posted: Saturday, July 14, 2007 - 08:31 PM UTC
Hey guys thanks for the feedback.

For one yes i have had a bit of trouble with getting the right amount of thinner metalic ratio and some parts have turned out with metalic bits that are realy shinny but i am doing one more coat, yes the date is wrong i will get that fixed, and the wings are on an angle down about 8-10 degrees. but i have made alot of mistakes on this model but hey its a little cheap academy model for learning and its helped me heaps.

Thanks guys i will keep you updated as of today but progress wil be slow as of tomorow because school starts again

P.S i was on holdiays and got back today
Indiana, United States
Joined: May 14, 2007
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Posted: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 - 10:41 AM UTC
I try to do each model better than the last one. After over 40 years of modeling that isn't always easy. But when I get to the point where I can't improve any more, I will give up the hobby. So don't worry about minor things like paint smudges or an uneven coat. You seem to have a good base in modeling, and I hope to see more pics (hopefully clear ones) in the future.
Victoria, Australia
Joined: June 28, 2007
KitMaker: 171 posts
AeroScale: 113 posts
Posted: Saturday, July 21, 2007 - 05:08 PM UTC
Update: July 22nd

I have sprayed on my final coat of metal colour on, and today i have started spraying on the darker metal panels

I mixed about 60 percent humrol enamel metal colour and 40 percent tamiya accrylic gun metal, and the result is really good.

I still ahve to do about 5 more panels, but before i do that i was wondering if the paint will chipp, or if i put masking tape on it if it will just rip off the i pull the masking off, if so should i put on som floor polish stuff to protect that layer?

i also painted my window for the fuselague and cocpit, useed glue tack because the masking tape didnt work out as well as the glue tack which has worked prety good.

any other constructive or feed back welcome.

P.S sorry about the picture size i will make em smaller next batch.
