The Future Is Klear

This method is very easy to do but like all techniques I would suggest a trial run first. I have tried airbrushing Klear but much prefer hand brushing. I was always worried that my airbrush wasn't free of Klear and it sprays like water so it is very easy to get pooling, which is difficult to remove.

A word of caution, as previously mentioned Isopropyl alcohol will strip Klear. It will also strip paint, so if you mess up the Klear on the painted model don't try and strip it off with Isopropyl alcohol. I have never needed to remove it.

So, The Future Is Klear

To recap: Use a soft flat 1/2" paint brush. Dip the bristles into the Klear about half way. Remove the excess by scraping the bristles over the edge of a container, not the container with the Klear in. Paint on the Klear carefully, don't rush. If you cause bubbles to develop remove at once, by going over the area, carefully (if the Klear has started to dry, dip the brush again), don't let the bubbles dry. Apply 2 coats before decals and 2 coats after decals.

CAUTION: Always read the label before using any substance.

About the Author

About Mal Mayfield (Holdfast)

Hi, my name is Mal Mayfield and I have been modelling seriously for about 25 years. My main interest is 1/48 scale second world war. I build all types and all combatants. I have built 1/35 scale "targets" and 1/72 scale modern aircraft, plus a couple of cars. I have also dabbled with figure painting...


Nice one Mal That's an excellent How-To Feature :-) Really nicely written and laid out to explain the techniques clearly. :-) All the best Rowan
SEP 07, 2003 - 06:22 PM
Hi Mal, Well done. I have used Future/Klear for a few years now. Airbrushing can be tricky. Frequently I get 'orange peel', the patchy surface you may be writing of. I have found that multiple VERY LIGHT coats attenuate this. TO REMOVE this product, use ammonia, which almost instantaneously disolves it. I have removed Future with ammonia from Pactra Acryic, Polly Scale and AeroMaster without any effect on the unsealed paint. And you gotta luv that smell! All the best, Fred
SEP 20, 2003 - 06:04 AM
Yes, a most excellent article Mal. Easily understood.
SEP 22, 2003 - 10:11 AM
yea great tip for biggebers or poeple that just didnt know that
NOV 01, 2003 - 03:41 AM
Thanks HoldFast - I was going to AB Future onto my models before i did thier wash to help the wash run into the recesses. I'll brush it by hand now, b/c I sure dont want pooling and I really dont want to lose any surface detail either. Thanks for the fine feature.
NOV 07, 2003 - 12:13 PM