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On the Modelimex on-line hobby shop we have found few photographs of the 1/72 scale Grumman FM-2 model kit released by Admiral.
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Admiral Models have announced the release of two new kits of the Vought F6U-1 Pirate. The Vought Pirate is not a type as far as I know that has been produced by injected kit manufacturers. Admiral Models have gone for a walk of the plank and taken the plunge by adding two versions of the Pirate, the early and the late.
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Admiral models have released some interesting images of the masters for the 1/72 scale Douglas TBD-1 Devastator that they are working on at the moment. No release date as yet, but the amount of detail in this kit looks impressive so far.
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After the takeover of Admiral models by AZ Models, Admiral are to release a number of late mark Spits and Seafires. I must admit to being a huge fan of the late Griffon powered Spits so I was very pleased to receive the news of these products. I am particularly looking forward to the release of the Seafire Mk.46, with the contra rotating prop. For you that prefer the Merlin engined aircraft, Admiral are to release a Seafire Mk III.

Great news in that Admiral Models have been taken over by AZ Models. Here is a statement from the AZ website.
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